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With the children finally back at school for the start of a new academic year after 18 months of disruption, it’s the ideal time for you to start something new. To make changes for the better and make improvements to your life.

September has long been a month associated with new beginnings, changing directions and taking on different challenges. Whether that’s a career adjustment, learning new skills, developing new routines or taking up a new hobby, this month seems to represent the perfect time to make a fresh start.

Sometimes we all need a new beginning. A clean slate. A chance to start over. An opportunity to get rid of things that are wrong and replace it with something else that will ensure a much happier future.

JDI (Just Do It)

So, if you’re feeling that you want to embrace the month of change, then well done and good luck. When you commit to starting something new, it brings with it a boost of energy, enthusiasm and confidence. It can also become a catalyst to motivate you to get things done, ditch bad habits and form new ones that are in line with your goals and values.

As many of you know, I have made some big changes in the last few years. Walking is a great love of mine and I try to do as much of it as I can. Whilst it’s obviously good for my physical health, it’s also beneficial to my mental health.

Essential walking somewhere new and exciting gives me an opportunity to get outdoors and genuinely reflect on my life and have the time to plan the next chapter of my story with renewed enthusiasm. And whilst I am enjoying the beautiful scenery and puffing hard as I climb up a hill or coastal path, my mind is clear and busy with personal reflection, planning, reprioritising, unburdening and identifying what I want and need. I am also actively setting the goals that I should be focusing on for better physical and mental health in both my home and business lives.

Carpe Diem and start something new

If you find yourself bristling with excitement and anticipation of new venture but aren’t sure where to start or what to do next. My advice to you is simple, seize the day and take time to reflect on your current situation before figuring out your next move. Whatever you decide to do, there are five things you should consider.

  • Be grateful for all the things you do and have and stop comparing yourself to others
  • Do what you enjoy/love and then it will be fun rather than a chore
  • Look after yourself so you have the right amount of energy to enable you to learn and grow
  • Change the negative things in your life – attitude, relationships, jobs
  • Start something new – skills, hobbies, habits

The only things certain in life are birth and death, but the exciting and inspiring thing is that you get to choose what happens in between. If you need the expertise of someone who can help to shape your future, then please get in touch. By supporting and encouraging you I can help you to become the person you want to be, enabling you to not only enrich your life but also those of everyone you meet.

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