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In the current climate, we can no longer take for granted the things we used to do to look after our health and wellbeing – like playing sports or meeting up with friends for coffee or a night out.

So, as we experience a completely new way of living, we need to make sure that we develop new routines to keep anxiety and other worries at bay, whilst ensuring that we:

·         Look after ourselves – physically and mentally

·         Make the most of this time to improve ourselves

·         Keep in touch with other people

Being in lockdown doesn’t mean that you have to be bored. There are plenty of things that you can do without having to leave the security and safety of your own home. You need to make sure you have a good combination of relaxation, learning, stimulation, personal development. It might help to plan how to spend your time. You can do this by writing it down on paper or putting key activities into your phone/computer’s calendar.

  1. Update your CV and other professional accounts, i.e. LinkedIn.
  2. Get fit and active – do some regular exercise whether as part of an organised group or on your own.
  3. Make the most of your daily trip outside – fresh air and a different perspective is good for you.
  4. Keep your brain occupied and challenged. Read books, magazines and articles. Listen to podcasts, watch films and do puzzles.
  5. Ensure you have some ‘you’ time to just relax and regroup.
  6. Learn a new skill – there are plenty of free apps and online courses to choose from.
  7. Get creative – take up a new hobby or activity, i.e. start a blog, do some arts and crafts, DIY, meditation or practice mindfulness.
  8. Instigate regular calls and other communications with friends, family and other colleagues.
  9. Do some online networking or join a webinar.
  10. Stay connected with current events but be careful where you get news and health information from. You might want to consider taking a break or limiting how you use social media.

Obviously, everyone is different and perhaps on some days you won’t feel like doing anything other than sitting and thinking. But that’s ok; these are difficult times. We can get through them together by listening, talking and helping where we can.

After all, wouldn’t it be great in years to look back on 2020 and talk about the positive things that we did, what we learnt and how we benefitted personally and professionally during this weird period of time, rather than solely focusing on the negatives?

If you are struggling and want to contact someone who can help, encourage and support you, then please do get in touch with Debby today by calling 07780 692784 or emailing

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