Health and wellbeingMental HealthMindsetPlanning Are you ready to learn how to love yourself? "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" RuPaul. What kind of relationship do you have with yourself? Are…DebbyMarch 8, 2023
Curriculum VitaeJob interviewJob ListingStrategy Taking back control after redundancy We’ve all been there. That awful moment when you find out you’ve lost your job. You experience a range of feelings in a short period…DebbyFebruary 8, 2023
Life planMindsetPlanning How reading can change your life At the start of every year and as part of compiling a life plan, I make some commitments. One of them for 2023 is to…DebbyJanuary 11, 2023
Mental HealthMindset How to create meaningful rituals in your life Every day we do similar dependable things without much thought, whether that’s snoozing the alarm clock, having a shower, eating breakfast, making coffee, cleaning our…DebbyDecember 12, 2022
Health and wellbeingHobbiesMental Health How to break the cycle of all work and no play We’ve all heard the proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Essentially, what this means is that without time off from…DebbyNovember 16, 2022
Curriculum VitaeJob interviewJob ListingNew Career How to execute the perfect job interview Congratulations your hard work has paid off. Your CV/covering letter have secured you an interview for the job of your dreams. What should you do…DebbyOctober 19, 2022
Curriculum VitaeExperienceNew CareerStrategy Does your CV stand out? Getting the opportunity to be in front of prospective employees is essential. To enable this to happen you need to have a great CV. As…DebbySeptember 11, 2022
Health and wellbeingPlanningStrategy Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone? In our lives, we all have routines and behaviours that minimise risk, anxiety and stress. We’re comfortable there as there is a sense of familiarity,…DebbyAugust 4, 2022
Annual leavePlanningStaff Holiday Dealing with staff holidays – it’s all in the planning! We all love taking a break from work and leaving the office for a long weekend or couple of weeks holiday can be good for…DebbyJuly 7, 2022
Health and wellbeingMental Health Time to clear out your mind? It’s not just physical clutter that can make us more anxious, unable to sleep, prone to overthinking and affect our ability to focus. Having a…DebbyJune 28, 2022